Robert Charles Wilson
Author of the Hugo Award-winning SPIN
Curriculum Vitae

Robert Charles Wilson, born in 1953, has been a full-time professional writer since 1986. He has published 16 novels, numerous short stories, and several non-fiction pieces and book reviews. He lives in Concord, Ontario, with his wife Sharry, a professional proofreader and author. His literary agent is Shawna McCarthy (The McCarthy Agency, LLC 7 Allen Street Rumson, NJ 07760 ).
A Hidden Place, Bantam, 1986 (reissued by Tor Books, 2005)
Memory Wire, Bantam, 1987
Gypsies, Bantam, 1989
The Divide, Bantam, 1990
A Bridge of Years, Bantam, 1991
The Harvest, Bantam, 1992
Mysterium, Bantam, 1994
Darwinia, Tor Books, 1998
Bios, Tor Books, 1999
The Chronoliths, Tor Books, 2001
Blind Lake, Tor Books, 2003
Spin, Tor Books, 2005
Axis, Tor Books, 2007
Julian Comstock: A Story of the 22nd Century, Tor Books, 2009
Vortex, Tor Books, 2011
Burning Paradise, Tor Books, 2013
The Affinities, Tor Books, 2015
​​Last Year, Tor Books, 2016
Owning the Unknown: A Science Fiction Writer Explores Atheism, Agnosticism, and the Idea of God, Pitchstone Publishing, 2023
Short Story Collection
The Perseids and Other Stories, Tor Books, 2000
Julian: A Christmas Story, PS Publishing, England, 2006
As Editor
Tesseracts Ten: A Celebration of New Canadian Speculative Fiction, Edge Press, 2006 (with Edo van Belkom)
Literary Honors and Awards
Three-time winner of the Aurora Award for Canadian imaginative fiction, for the novels Darwinia and Blind Lake and the short story “The Perseids” (collected in The Perseids and Other Stories)
Winner of the John W. Campbell Memorial Award (a juried award presented by the University of Kansas) for his novel The Chronoliths
Winner of the Philip K. Dick Award for the novel Mysterium
Winner of the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (2007) for his short story “The Cartesian Theater”
Winner of the 2006 Hugo Award for his novel Spin
Winner of numerous foreign-language awards, including the Grand Prix de l'Imaginaire (France), the Seiun Award (Japan), and the Kurd Lasswitz Prize (Germany). Robert Charles Wilson's work has been shortlisted for many other honors including the Nebula Award, the World Fantasy Award, and the Sunburst Award for Canadian Literature of the Fantastic. Several of his novels have appeared on the annual Notable Books list of the New York Times.